Saturday, September 19, 2009

A good night

So last night Harold and I were invited to attend a barbeque at one of the three major dive shops in Sanur. It was a fudnraiser for Project Aware. A joint nonprofit with Padi, that educates the dive community about environmentalism and how to care for underwater habitats while participating in the sport. Teaching stewardship and responsibility. Harold and I had no idea what we were getting our selves into when we accepted the invitation, but every little thing counts here. I think we were both alittle nervous, being the newbies.

I am starting to feel the momentum. So from my encounter with the British snobby dive lady, it led me to Else of Crystal Divers and Tom of Blue Seasons, from there I met Jonathan who introduced me to Peter, and so on. So one little unpleasant incident with the British chick actually ended up serving my purpose here on Bali in a big way. Who would have thought that last night I would have sat right next to the head of Asia-Project Aware. Project Aware is big and they came out of PADI. PADI, the global institution for scuba dive certification programs. Henrik a very nice gentleman from Sydney was very informative and made us aware of grants provided by the organization. In turn we were very excited to pitch to him our organization in person. No email, and no cold calling. What a great opportunity for all three of us to put a face with names, while at a barbeque.

I greatly enjoyed talking with Henrik (Project Aware) about surfing, and how protecting the reefs was not just a responsibility of divers. Divers tend to think that they are the only ones that know about what's under the water. I simply explained to him that I don't identify myself as a diver, and a part of the dive community. I just learned how to dive and I am a surfer. I'm a rookie at diving. Surfers care about reefs, and how some of the best waves in the world are on coral reef. That surfer's know alot about ocean currents, swells, weather patterns, coastal errosion, water shed pollution, coastal landscapes and how artificial reefs create waves. Henirk was very surprised to learn all this. Am man from Syndey Australia...a surf mecca, was surprised to hear all this....I pitched that perhaps his organization could also reach a broader audience than just divers. I wanted him to understand that Bali Reef Project was not just a non-profit to benefit the dive community. It is to also benefit anyone who cares about and plays in the ocean. When the surf is flat many surfers enjoy other water hobbies, such as spear fishing, free diving, snorkeling, ocean swimming, kayaking, etc. It is a lifestyle, not just a hobby or for sport. It was a really great conversation. I have so many ideas going through my's crazy, but that passion is what fuels me and what makes me tick.

Harold was very pleased, he loves all my ideas. It's exactly what he needs. I can tell that he is very happy to have a side kick. His eyes are full of excitement. I feel that without all my leg work maybe none of this would have come to light. Harold never knew anything about any of these bigger dive shops in Sanur. He had no idea the scope of their connections. Bali is a mecca of global people. This is what I love about the island. It has movers and shakers. People who want to make things happen. And they do. These people are great contacts and great supporters for our cause. Real power houses. I have to take a moment to pat myself on the back. All the hot days of totting my laptop, of endless hours of walking through town lost, of sleepless nights with roosters, crying babies, second hand smoke, scooter pollution, crying my eyes out, hot flashes and the flu. I have done a good thing in as little as two weeks. I have been in the right places at the right time. My dad always told me that I was a lucky person and I have always believed him. What good does it do me to believe otherwise....that I have no power and that I have no way of calling something good into my life. Law of Attraction....gotta believe.

I think for Harold this would have taken him months or even years. So it makes me very happy, to see him so happy. To see him have hope again and to see him re-energized. Because he is the one who has to keep going when I am gone. I wish I could be here for six months or even a year. It isn't completely impossible. Harold has no doubt in his mind, that I could have the whole island covered by that time. But right now I am greatful for this new perspective on the island and just my little section of it. Knowing it not only as a tourist and a surfer, or a diver, but also knowing it from the people who inhabit it for many years.

Giving is something we need to continue to explore. Giving without money. I mean giving of your mind, your heart and your soul. Sharing your ideas, bringing people together. This is what makes this experience worthwhile (life) and also getting to know yourself. Getting to know what you can handle. I haven't been able to handle all of this with grace, but I have had to dig deep and remind myself why I am here. Humbled and vulnerable. It isn't about me. It's about giving and learning to give in new ways. The world is a small place.


  1. Wonderful, Korina! I just finished reading your last two weeks of posts. Thank you for writing and sharing. You ROCK, missy!

    Sending love from home,

    PS I'll be in touch about the other stuff.

  2. NICE! Great news...finally, huh? Proud of you, sister!
