Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 3...couple of things off the top of my head

1. Those fucking Roosters. They never shut up.
2. Daily fights against the mosquito invaders. They just want to suck the life force out of me.
3. Kites that fly as high as planes here. It's a bird, it's a plane....not. It's a 15ft dragon kite that could probably take down a 747 if it got caught in the jet. There are no kite flying areas here. How do explain that one on the news...Today Ketut decided to fly his kite....opps....400 people dead from kite flying enthusiast.
4. Got 1 sticker of the Bali Reef Project up in a local surf shop. 1 down....have no idea how many left to go.
5. Still no working toilet......hmmmmm...nice
6. When you finally surrender to the pace of Bali, then you will be more successful. Even the littlest of accomplishments feel like leaps and bounds.
7. Met an arrogant Britsh chick who is learning to be a dive instructor......had a long conversation about coral reef rehabilitation. She's definetly a dive shop snob. Her accent makes it even worse and she smiles when she is being rude. I can't stand that.
8. Walking with a laptop everyday sucks. My back is killing me.
9. Harold, the founder of the Bali Reef Project is one fo the nicest Canadians I have ever met. He is so patient and kind. He goes with the flow and is not afraid to adress confrontation and adversity. The Balinese do not like confrontation and avoid it at all costs.
10. Nothing around here is fast.
11. You have to let go of oyur Western can try as hard as you can...but you have to give a little to the pace of the culture here. Family and tradition first. Work???Work is second....
12. The Balinese can talk for hours about anything.
13. Wants to scuba with big manta rays....may need some extra training for this.
14. Still frightened to try driving a scooter. What do they things that scare you?
15. No I am not staying at the 5 star Bali Hiyatt and got kicked off the beach from using the beach umbrella and lounge chair yesterday. I am staying at Chateau de Roosterville.
16. I love talking to random strangers....tourists,'s fun.

I need to get in the water. Tomorrow I am going to Padang Bay and hopefully I will be able to go for a snorkel at one of the devastated reefs. Not fun, but necessary to get a lay of the land. Hopefully get some before and after pictures. Wish I had a water proof GPS. Will also be meeting up with a local man who may possibly make a donation from Mercury outboard motors. Also, put up some more stickers. The locals are very supportive of this project and everyday sets new challenges and conquests. It's a love hate relationship.

I was testing out my water housing unit the other day, and barely missed being hit by some strange looking jelly fish. Also got nibble on by some tiny little fish. I think he was protecting his nest....not sure, but it startled me and I yelped like a little girl. But, I am thankful that I have my guardian angles working over time right now.

1 comment:

  1. LOL I HATE it when people smile when being rude or are angry! Its so confusing, smiling is for being happy DUH!!!
